Ophelia Glitter, the other founding member, then took the initiative to have an ill-fated attempt at creating a website at Xoom.com only to eventually come up with this little gem here.
Before, however, the website was fully thrown at the public, there was the mailing list, simply known as B-I-M-P. In the same time period these things were established about the organisation:
1. The slogan of the party would be "Say yes to eyeliner!"
2. Brian Molko of Placebo would be the official mascot
3. So would Nicky Wire of the Manics and Stefan Olsdal of Placebo be mascots for the times they wear makeup
4. It is entirely irrelevent what sexuality the boy in makeup is, as long as he's wearing the stuff and is partially aesthetically pleasing
5. Female members of BIMP are free to live as glamourously as possible (ie no need to try to look like blokes), after all, at times they must set an example for the lost makeupless boys of the world
6. Conversions should be made whenever there is the opportunity
7. Glitter is the preferable state of mind
We hope if you are reading this you have an interest in the party. Take care and wear that eyeliner with pride....